The Groupement Interprofessionnel pour la valorisation de la Pomme de Terre (GIPT) (French body for promoting the potato), created in 1969, is the organisation that represents branches of the potato industry that are promoted in agriculture and by industry. Its role is to establish joint-trade agreements, to promote an active research policy and to defend the interests of its members against the public authorities and socio-economic actors.
The sector comprises three bodies: the Union Nationale des Producteurs de Pommes de Terre - UNPT (National Union of potato producers), the Fédération Nationale des Transformateurs de Pommes de Terre - FNTPT (the national federation of potato processors) and the Chambre Syndicale Professionnelle nationale de la Féculerie de pommes de terre - CSF (national professional potato starch employers federation). These national organisations are divided into two branches: the "potato starch" branch and the "processing" branch. The "potato starch" branch represents professionals who extract the starch from potatoes. The "Processing" branch includes professionals who produce and promote potatoes for human consumption (crisps, chips and deep-frozen specialities, dehydrated purées, vacuum packed potatoes, etc.)
The two business sectors, the food and potato starch industry (some of whose outlets are also food orientated) do not have the same market structure. The potato starch sector is governed by an Organisation Commune de Marché (common organisation of the market) whereas the potato food industry's prices are mainly set under a contractual policy drawn up between manufacturers and producers, on the understanding that part of the industrial supplies are offered on the open market.
The GIPT includes 4,000 producers. Every year, 2 Mt of potatoes are produced and delivered to French industries.
The business sector takes into account developments in our society and consumer expectations and adopts a position in society's major debates. It is committed to food safety and traceability, quality, the environment and intelligent farming.
The GIPT has created committees and working parties with a view to harmonising assignments of general interest and getting its voice heard on the major issues facing society.
The GIPT is in a privileged position for launching research programmes in the potato sector and has established partnerships with technical and research institutes, the government authorities, the sector's organisations and other business sectors in order to successfully implement its innovation policy.